Audio and video conferences for digital teaching

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Audio- und Videokonferenzen für die digitale Lehre

Audio and video conferences should not be used in basic teaching if possible, or only in justified cases. It cannot be guaranteed that all students have a sufficiently good data connection to be able to participate in such formats without disruption.

For video conferences, all active participants need a device (computer, tablet or smartphone) with a camera, microphone and speaker/headphones, the latter two for audio conferences. For larger conferences, a headset or at least one pair of headphones should be used. A stable internet connection is also necessary. (see Notes and tips for audio and video conferences and netiquette).

In addition, the VPN to the University of Paderborn should definitely be switched off.

Exchange[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The Paderborn Educational Innovations and University Didactics Office offers a PANDA course with a question forum.

Zoom[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • For video conferences, a campus license for Zoom X is available at the University of Paderborn, which you can use in your university account.
  • The ZIM has obtained licenses for conferences hosted in Europe through a German provider.
  • The meetings can have a maximum of 300 participants.
  • For larger meetings, you can request a larger license from ZIM.

DFN[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • The DFN association is the nationwide provider of video and web conferences for universities. The DFNconf solution with the Pexip software only works for conferences with a maximum of 23 people, but offers a telephone dial-in for participation by telephone when the internet connection is poor. A pure telephone conference is also easily possible.
  • Use of DFN web conference services

Copyright notice[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Avoid recording video conferences - even if it is technically possible. All participants have a "right to their own image" as well as to their own verbal expressions. Recordings may only be made if you, as the lecturer, are only recording yourself, i.e. all of the participants' cameras and microphones are switched off, or if all participants have explicitly consented to the recording and the associated purpose.

Data protection[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • When using digital tools in the context of research, teaching and administration, the basics of data protection must, as always, be observed.
  • If you want to hold a course online, you should primarily use the Zoom X instance procured via the ZIM, for which the university has concluded contracts for data processing.
  • No confidential or sensitive personal data should be transmitted via Zoom - use Zoom's end-to-end encryption if necessary.

Please note the respective data protection declarations for all systems.

  • Before using a digital service, all users must observe the data protection declaration for the respective service; this is stored with the respective service.
  • All users are requested to act in compliance with data protection laws and to seek advice to determine individual data protection risks.
  • If you want to work with other commercial solutions, you must ensure that they comply with data protection regulations. Be sure to read the Data protection information on cloud services from American providers.

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