Account creation for students

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Erstellung eines Uni-Accounts (Studierende)

Every student who has enrolled for the first time at the University of Paderborn will be sent a letter containing a TAN to their home address. This TAN is required for the creation of the Uni-Account. The Uni-Account can be created from any place with an internet connection.

What needs to be done?[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Step by step tutorial[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Visit the following page:

TAN eingeben

  • Type in your TAN and click on "Bestätigen“.
  • Fill out the online form.
  • Choose your username and password and create your account.

  • You can check your information in the last step.
  • Click the button to complete the account creation.
Letzter Schritt: Uni-Account erzeugen

  • Access to PAUL will be granted one day after the creation of the Uni-Account.
  • Access to PANDA and e-mail-service will be granted immediately.

Additional information[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Please consider that your TAN will expire if

  • you used your TAN to create an Uni-Account.
  • your TAN is older than 4 weeks.
  • you already have an Uni-Account.

If you lost your TAN, you can get a new one at the Notebook-Café.
Please bring a valid photo ID with you.
You can find the Notebook-Café in I0.401

See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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