Set up Exchange in Thunderbird (Windows)

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Exchange einrichten in Thunderbird (Windows)

Install Thunderbird[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Install Thunderbird. You can find the installation files here:

Set up an email mailbox[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The first step is to set up the email mailbox. Thunderbird can retrieve emails via IMAP.

Application menu

  • Open the "Application menu".

Account settings

  • Select "Account settings".

Add account

  • Click on "Account actions" at the bottom left.
  • Now select "Add email account".

Select the following settings:

Account information

  • Name: Enter your name - This will later appear in your emails as the sender name.
  • Email address: Enter your preferred email address - It is best to check this in the service portal.
  • Password: Enter the password for the university account.

  • Check the box for "Save password".
  • Then click on "Set up manually".

Add the following settings:

Manual settings

Incoming mail server

  • Protocol: IMAP
  • Hostname:
  • Port: 993
  • Connection security: SSL/TLS
  • Authentication method: Password, normal
  • User name: username@AD - Replace "username" with your username from your university account.

Outgoing mail server

  • Hostname:
  • Port: 465
  • Connection security: SSL/TLS
  • Authentication method: Password, normal
  • User name: Your user name from the university account - here without AD

  • Then click on "Advanced settings".

Confirm the advanced configuration with "OK".

You can now see your email inbox in the Inbox tab. If you are missing folders in the view:

Right-click on the email inbox.
Select "Subscribe...".
Select the desired folders and click "OK".

Setting up a calendar[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Calendars and tasks can also be synchronized via Exchange. To use this in Thunderbird, additional programs must first be installed.

Install add-ons[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Application menu

  • Open the application menu.
  • Click on "Add-ons and themes".


  • Select "Extensions" on the left-hand side.
  • Search for "tbsync".

Add TbSync

  • For the application "TbSync", click on "Add to Thunderbird".
  • For the following permissions query, also click on "Add".

Add provider for EAS

  • Then search for "Provider for Exchange ActiveSync".
  • Here too, click on "Add to Thunderbird".
  • For the following permissions query, also click on "Add".

Set up calendar[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Open TbSync

  • There is now a new icon in the top right corner of the mailbox tab.
  • Open "TbSync" by clicking on this icon.

Add account

  • Click "Account Actions" at the bottom left.
  • Select "Add account".
  • Click "Exchange ActiveSync".

Account information

  • Select "User-specific configuration".
  • Select the following settings

  • Account name: - Replace "username" with the username for your university account.
  • Username: username@AD - Replace "username" with the username for your university account.
  • Password: Password for your university account
  • Server address:

Synchronization status

  • Check the box for "Activate and synchronize account".
  • Under Resources, select the content you want to synchronize.
  • Set the interval for periodic synchronization - recommended 5 minutes.
  • Finally, click on "Synchronize now".

Link mailbox[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

In order to be able to send and accept appointments, you must assign a mailbox to the calendar. [File:Screenshot_Exchange_setting_Thunderbird_Windows_10_10.png|left|mini|without|450px|Select calendar.]]

  • Right-click on your calendar.
  • Select "Properties".

Edit calendar.

  • Under "Email", select your mailbox.
  • Then click "OK".

Alternatives[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • The paid add-on "Owl" can also be used to connect to the email mailbox.
  • However, "TbSync" and "Provider for Exchange ActiveSync" are still required to synchronize calendars and tasks.

See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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