Mail setup on Android

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Mail einrichten unter Android

This tutorial describes how to set up the university E-Mail-Address on Android Smartphones and Tablets. In this example, we unse the Gmail-App by Google. Other Apps may work similar. We can't offer tutorials for every app.
Do you have an exchange account? Please go to Setup Exchange

Step-by-step description[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Add account[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Mail-android-01.png Open the Gmail-App.


  • Click on the Account-Symbol.
  • Click on "Add additional account".

Account settings[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Click on Other
Enter your E-Mail-Address.

As student or employe you have the following e-mail adresses:


Employes have additionally the following E-Mail-Adress:

  • Contact the ZIM for additional E-Mail-Aliases.

All aliases are available in the same mailbox. Choose one as you like for sending an receiving mails.

Choose IMAP
Enter your password for the Uni-Account.

  • By using IMAP all changes are synced to the server. If you delete an e-mail, it will be deletet on all your devices.

  • By using POP3 no changes are synced to the server. If you delete an e-mail, it will only delete on the current device. Not on other devices.

  • We recommend using IMAP. The POP3 support may be canceled in the future.

Check the following settings:


  • Username: Your username for the Uni-Account.
  • Password: Your password for the Uni-Account.
  • Server:

  • Click on "Next".

Check the following settings:


  • Log in necessary: Active
  • Username: Your username for the Uni-Account.
  • Password: Your password for the Uni-Account.
  • Server:

  • Click on "Next".


  • You can use default settings here.
  • Click on "Next".


  • Account name: Description - Choose as you like.
  • My name: Enter your Name - This will be displayed if you send mails.


  • The process was successful.
  • By using the "Account-Icon you can switch between mailboxes.

See also[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

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