![]() | This module is rated as ready for general use. It has reached a mature form and is thought to be bug-free and ready for use wherever appropriate. It is ready to mention on help pages and other Wikipedia resources as an option for new users to learn. To reduce server load and bad output, it should be improved by sandbox testing rather than repeated trial-and-error editing. |
![]() | This module depends on the following other modules: |
This module implements template {{Code}} and {{Code snippet}}.
Usage[Quelltext bearbeiten]
-- This Module implements {{Code}} and {{Code snippet}}
require('Module:No globals')
local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local function processArgs(args)
local content = args.code or args[2] or 'sample text'
local processedArgs = {
-- The lang="name" attribute defines what lexer should be used.
lang = args.lang or args[1] or 'text'
if args.line then
-- The line attribute enables line numbers.
processedArgs.line = 1
if args.start ~= nil then
-- The start attribute (in combination with line) defines the first line number of the code block.
processedArgs.start = args.start
if args.highlight then
-- The highlight attribute specifies one or more lines that should be marked (by highlighting those lines with a different background color).
processedArgs.highlight = args.highlight
if args.inline then
-- The attribute indicates that the source code should be inline as part of a paragraph (as opposed to being its own block).
processedArgs.inline = 1
if args.class then
-- The css class to use. When inline is used, class="nowrap" (on those wikis that support it; not on MediaWiki itself) specifies that line breaks should not occur at spaces within the code block.
processedArgs.class = args.class
if args.style then
-- CSS styles to add
processedArgs.style = args.style
return content, processedArgs
local function render(frame, args)
local content, tagArgs = processArgs(args)
return frame:extensionTag{
name = 'syntaxhighlight', content = content, args = tagArgs
function p.main(frame)
local args
local cFrame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
if frame == cFrame then
-- module called via invoke
args = getArgs(frame)
-- used by other modules directly
args = frame
frame = cFrame
return render(frame, args)
return p