Vorlage:Boilerplate property

ZIM HilfeWiki - das Wiki

Description[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Short description of this property

Type[Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • This is an attribute of the datatype Boolean.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Code.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Date.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Email.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Number.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Page.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Quantity.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Telephone number.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype Text.
  • This is an attribute of the datatype URL.

Allowed values[Quelltext bearbeiten]

The allowed values are:

  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five
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