
ZIM HilfeWiki - das Wiki

About[Quelltext bearbeiten]

{{font}} This template is used to define text styles, for example, size and color. It can also be used to inject CSS. This is very useful when it is needed to change "I" to "I", since uppercase "I" looks the same as lowercase "L".

How to[Quelltext bearbeiten]

{{font|TEXT(or「text=TEXT」)|font=FONT|size=SIZE(px/em/pt/%)|color=COLOR|bgcolor=BACKGROUND COLOR|css=CSS}}

Example[Quelltext bearbeiten]

If enter {{font|text=Some text.|font=Comic Sans MS|size=20px|color=#7f5620}}
It will show as: Some text.

If enter {{font|Illinois|font=Times|size=20px}}
It will show as: Illinois, which is way better than Illinois.

Enter Will show as
{{font|啡色的文字。|font=標楷體|size=20px|color=#7f5620}} 啡色的文字。
{{font|text=Hello World!|font=Century Gothic|size=35px|color=#bf00bf}} Hello World!
{{font|text=囧囧囧囧囧|font=Simhei|color=#c9b295|bgcolor=#364d6a}} 囧囧囧囧囧
{{font|text=可以選用全部選項。|font=Simhei|size=20px|color=#5a7aad|bgcolor=#f9f9ef}} 可以選用全部選項,
{{font|text=也可以只選用其中一項選項。|size=25px}} 也可以只選用其中一項選項。

Attention[Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • By default:
Parameter Default
font Sans-serif
size 100%
color black
bgcolor transparent

See also[Quelltext bearbeiten]

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