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BigBlueButton is a teaching conference system which can be used in a web browser. The system enables video and audio conferences for medium sized groups up to 20 people (with video), 60 people only (audio), virtual classrooms and webseminars. For courses in which the video / presentation comes from one person and the students only use the chat / microphone, BigBlueButton can probably be used with up to 60 people.

The BigBlueButton instances are operated by the ZIM on servers within the University of Paderborn.

Functionality[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BigBlueButton supports the synchronous provision of

  • video,
  • audio,
  • slides as PowerPoint or PDF (with whiteboard control)
  • and chat.

The in principle possible screen splitting / screen sharing is not stable for medium and larger groups and should be avoided. Use materials created in advance (PDF or PowerPoint), upload them as a presentation in the conference and then show them to the participants.
Teachers can also provide students with the following activities:

  • votes,
  • collaborative whiteboards and
  • breakout rooms (for partners and small group work).

Suitable for[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BigBlueButton is suitable for:

  • Language courses (in which all participants actively contribute ( or speak ))
  • Online tutoring (private lessons)
  • Flipped classrooms (recording of content before your session)
  • Group collaboration and seminar design
  • Online lectures (one to many)

Prerequisites[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Internet access
  • Web browser: Chrome should ideally be used as browser. Safari or Firefox cannot be recommended without restrictions from the current pilot test.
  • All participants should use a headset if possible, but at least a headphone to avoid feedback.
  • In the pilot test, events were carried out with up to 60 participants. Currently we expect a stable connection with about 25 participants, which is suitable for many seminar arrangements. For courses where the video / presentation comes from one person and the students only use the chat / microphone, BigBlueButton can probably be used with up to 60 people.
  • It is not guaranteed that all students have a good data connection to be able to participate in synchronous courses, therefore synchronous teaching should generally only be an additional offer. Videos and recordings have the advantage that they can be watched at lower network load times.

Notes on use[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


  • To present content, only use PowerPoint slides and PDF documents that are made available at the beginning of the session using the "Manage presentation" function.
  • You can find detailed click instructions in the instruction video "Show slides/documents (pdf)" (Instruction videos).

  • For the time being, "screen splitting / screen sharing" should be avoided in larger groups for performance reasons.
  • Webcams require a lot of data, so they should only be used when needed, e.g. by the lecturer or the presenting students, but not by the whole course.
  • You can use breakout rooms for partner work or group work. Switching to a breakout room can take about 30 seconds. Students must confirm entering the room and then re-enter the main room, repeating the echo check.
  • You can use the "Shared Notes" function very well as a blackboard.
  • Use the function for recording (start recording) as little as possible, because it is resource-hungry and can affect stability. In addition, the rights of all participants to their picture & sound must be respected. See Legal issues - recording of video conferences.
  • Recordings are provided in Big Blue Button with a slight delay after an encoding time after the recording is finished.

First steps[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

BigBlueButton for synchronous teaching[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Access as a host to Big Blue Button is managed via the service Host in the LKS (teaching conference system BigBlueButton), which can be activated in the service portal. This service is automatically activated for employees and lecturers. Guests and students can find the service in the service portal under Teaching and Studies. The extended service view must be activated for this. Guests and students can send an activation request for the service if they need the service, for example in the context of a course or tutoring.
  • Big Blue Button hosts can log in to the BigBlueButton instance with their ZIM account and password via and create several learning rooms/courses and links to them (see Instruction videos).
  • The link to the study room remains the same throughout the semester and must be communicated to the participating students in PANDA or by e-mail.
  • The students log in using this link - no registration is required.

BigBlueButton for other purposes[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • For exercise groups, counseling situations & team meetings, employees, guests and students can use the BigBlueButton instance
  • To do this, everyone who has an ZIM account can log in to the BigBlueButton instance at and set up several rooms and create links there Instruction videos.
  • is a BigBlueButton instance specially for matters outside of synchronous teaching. Please note that availability may be limited, as BigBlueButton will be in the introductory mode in the summer semester 2020.

Login[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Home page[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Create room[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


  • To create a room, click on Create a Room on the start page.
  • Configure the room according to your requirements and then click on Create Room.
  • The room is now displayed on the start page. When you select it, the link to the room is displayed under Invite Participants. You can share this link with the participants.

Start room[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Screenshot BBB RaumStarten.png

  • To start a room, select the room on the start page and click on Start.
  • Then make sure to perform the echo test to ensure the functionality of the microphone and headphones.

Functionalities in the BigBlueButton room at a glance[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Screenshot BBB Überblick.png

Instruction videos[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

These instructional videos were created by the pilot testers of the Centre for Language Teaching and may be linked here. Please note: The videos refer to the Big Blue button instance, which is reserved for the Centre for Language Teaching. However, their content is transferable to the instance, which is to be used by all other test users during the test phase as well as for matters outside of synchronous teaching.

Terms of use and privacy policy[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • BigBlueButton can be used by all lectureres & employees at the university to support their teaching & working as well as by students and guests for medium sized groups (seminars, language courses, practice groups, ...).
  • The ZIM cannot guarantee stable operation at all times during busy periods, so teachers should have a plan B for all synchronous online scenarios.
  • Lecturers, students & guests must ensure that BigBlueButten are used in accordance with the law. For the processing of personal data, the applicable data protection regulations must be observed. Under copyright law, recordings (recordings) of persons may only be made with their express consent.
  • BigBlueButton is operated by the ZIM on servers within the University of Paderborn in accordance with data protection regulations.
  • Avoid - even if it is technically possible - recording video conferences. All participants* have a "right to their own image" as well as to their own linguistic expressions. Recordings may only be made if you as a lecturer only record yourself, i.e. all cameras and microphones of the participants are switched off, or if all participants have explicitly agreed to the recording and the purpose of the recording.
  • Detailed terms of use and privacy policy are displayed on the BigBlueButton homepage.

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Tel. IT: +49 (5251) 60-5544 Tel. Medien: +49 (5251) 60-2821 E-Mail:

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