Working from outside the University

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On this page you will find a compilation of IMT services that can support you especially when working outside the University of Paderborn.

Work like at the university[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

In general, all university services (Panda, Email, Paul, ...) can be used from home safely and without any further effort. Exceptions are certain licensed services of the university library, certain software licenses and the network storage (Isilon) of the university. For use outside of the university you must first set up a VPN-Access.

document storage[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

It is recommended that you do not store your working documents locally on your computer, but use a network storage, as in this case the IMT will take care of data backup. In addition, network storage allows you to easily access the files from different locations. We offer you the following options for this:

  • network storage of the university
    • Access only via OpenVPN
    • No support of mobile devices (tablets, smartphones)
  • Sciebo
    • Access from anywhere
    • Apps for mobile devices

Working in groups[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

If you want to work on documents distributed as a workgroup, both services mentioned above offer special options: On the network storage you can request a group directory, in Sciebo we can create a project box for you.

You can also book a SharePoint instance or have us set up a Wiki for you.

Availability of the IMT[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

If you have questions or problems, the easiest way to contact us is to send us an e-mail with your request to [1]. Our hotline is available by telephone under 05251/60-5544 during office hours.

note[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Translated with (free version)

Bei Fragen oder Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte telefonisch oder per E-Mail an uns:

Tel. IT: +49 (5251) 60-5544 Tel. Medien: +49 (5251) 60-2821 E-Mail:

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