eduroam on iOS

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Eduroam unter iOS

This tutorial describes how to set up the Wi-Fi eduroam on iPhones and iPads.

Step-by-step description[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Create certificate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


  • Visit the Serviceportal with Safari.
  • Log in with your university account.

Info: Don't use alternative browsers like Chrome or Firefox for this step. You can't download files with them.


  • Click on the three stripes at the top.
  • Click on "Benutzerverwaltung" and on "Netzwerkeinstellungen".


  • Click on Neues Zertifikat erstellen.


  • Insert an identifier.
  • Click on "Neues Zertifikat zusenden".

Hinweis: Create a certificate for each of your devices. A device was stolen or isn't used anymore? Retract the certificate in the Serviceportal.

  • A certificate was created.
  • Copy the import password.
  • Click on "Netzwerkzertifikat herunterladen".


  • Now we can transfer the certificate in the iOS settings.
  • Click on "Load".

Install certificate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Eduroam-ios-8.png Open the "Settings-App".


  • Click on "Profile loaded".
  • Install the certificate.
  • Use the import password. We copied it in a previous step.

Connect to eduroam[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


  • Click on "Wi-Fi".
  • Click on "eduroam".


  • Change Mode to "EAP-TLS".
  • Choose your certificate for "Identity" - The ending is "".
  • Leave the field Username empty!
  • Click on "Connect ".
  • Click on "Allow" if necessary.

Your device should now connect to eduroam.
Important: If used, delete webauth from your prefered networks. Otherwise, your device can't access eduroam reliably. Take the following steps:


  • Open the Wi-Fi settings.
  • Click on the "i" next to "webauth". Eduroam-ios-12.png


  • Click on "Ignore network".

Troubleshooting[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Your device can't connect to eduroam? Try the follwing steps:

  • Deactivate and activate Wi-Fi.
  • Activate and deactivate Airplane Mode.
  • Restart your device.

Still can't access eduroam?

  • Open the Wi-Fi settings.
  • Click on the "i" next to"eduroam". Eduroam-ios-12.png
  • Click on "Forget network".

The network settings for eduroam are now deleted. Start againg with verbinden.

Still doesn't connect to eduroam

  • Delete eduroam via "Ignore this network", like mentioned above.
  • Open "Settings" > "General" > "Profile".
  • Delete all profile with the ending"".
  • Start again with Anfang dieser Anleitung.

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