
ZIM HilfeWiki - das Wiki

Description[Quelltext bearbeiten]

This is a combination of the parser function <syntaxhighlight>...</syntaxhighlight> and the template {{pre2}}. It allows for code coloring depending on programming language conventions (like <syntaxhighlight>...</syntaxhighlight>) and inherits {{pre2}}'s ability for creating a horizontal slider if necessary (and requested). Also: It adds buttons to copy code into the clipboard.

Parameters[Quelltext bearbeiten]

The language used for color coding. Consult extension syntaxhighlight's documentation for a list of supported programming languages
The actual code displayed in the box. Warning: If your code contains an equal sign (=), you have to specify the parameter name as either sample text or sample text, otherwise the display of text will be botched up.
optional The line attribute enables line numbers.
optional The start attribute (in combination with line) defines the first line number of the code block.
optional The highlight attribute specifies one or more lines that should be marked (by highlighting those lines with a different background color).
you can list values seperated by a comma or give a range or both: 1,4,9,11-13
optional The attribute indicates that the source code should be inline as part of a paragraph (as opposed to being its own block).
optional The css class to use. When inline is used, class="nowrap" (on those wikis that support it; not on MediaWiki itself) specifies that line breaks should not occur at spaces within the code block.
optional CSS styles to add

Usage[Quelltext bearbeiten]

mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf}}

renders as

mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf

If you omit the paramater name (code=), thus writing

mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf}}

your output will look like this:

sample text

a more complex example with parameters lang=lua|line=1|start=1|highlight=7,9:

local templateClass = require('Module:Template/class')
local classDebug = require('Module:Debug/class')

-- ****************************************************************
-- *                         inheritance                          *
-- ****************************************************************
local className = templateClass:subclass('Name')
-- setting class's configuration data
className.myConfiguration[tostring(className)] = mw.loadData('Module:Name/config')

-- ****************************************************************
-- *                          properties                          *
-- ****************************************************************

local _private = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'})   -- weak table storing all private attributes

See also[Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • {{code snippet}} for short code text in sentences
  • {{pre}} for a pre box with line wraps
  • {{pre2}} for a pre box with horizontal slider
  • <pre>...</pre>

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